Chirag Nagpal

AI Research Scientist,
Meta Platforms Inc.

chiragn at alumni dot cmu dot edu
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I am a recent PhD graduate of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I am was part of the Auton Lab and advised by Prof. Artur Dubrawski.

I am interested in challenges of applying Data Science and Machine Learning in health, especially around censored time-to-event outcomes and counterfactuals.

I have previously worked with Prof. Katherine Heller at Google's Brain and Responsible AI Teams.

During my PhD, I have worked as a Summer Associate in Prof. Manuela Veloso's new AI Research Team within the Corporate and Investment Banking division of J.P. Morgan. I also spent a summer working with Kush R. Varshney and others at IBM Research's Thomas J. Watson Research Centre as a Science for Social Good Fellow.

I try to be a good citizen of the School of Computer Science by serving on the Dean's PhD Students Advisory Committee and co-chairing the SCS Dec/5.




Workshop Presentations

Clinical Abstracts

Professional Service



I'm a dormant member of the W3VC, the Carnegie Tech Radio Club; In my past life, I used to make (hack?) stuff.

I enjoy Equitation, playing the Guitar, and Trivia and Quiz contests.

Here's a [list] of all the places I lived in before coming to Pittsburgh.

[phd thesis]